Persona Management

‘Prime time, to grey time’ was a phrase coined by Bob Pike founder at UM-Labs R&D to describe the need to gain access to people across the 24 hour clock, whether at work or during their down-time, rang true for advertisers and business models, but it did not address the fact that the business model for online companies was fuelled by selling and advertising, hence the growth of profiling! Translating an avatar’s name into the equivalent UUID is one of the most basic, yet crucial components in building a successful ‘Second Life’ or Metaverse script or application. it can also provide you with additional information about avatars including account creation date, payment information, and gender. See also this quote from a recent blog where a developer was asking one too many questions on how to finish an application which was helping him to secure ID’s in Facebook: “I’ve developed a FB application and I have a database with the IDs of all the users who have used my application. I want to know how I can get the number of friends of each user. I suppose that my app is now a ‘friend’ of these
users and I should be able to get this data.” Protecting new standards such as the proposed HSTP will be a task taken on board in UNICUS RTC UOS.  

‘Prime time, to grey time’ was a phrase coined by Bob Pike founder at UM-Labs R&D to describe the need to gain access to people across the 24 hour clock, whether at work or during their down-time, rang true for advertisers and business models, but it did not address the fact that the business model for online companies was fuelled by selling and advertising, hence the growth of profiling! Translating an avatar's name into the equivalent UUID is one of the most basic, yet crucial components in building a successful 'Second Life' or Metaverse script or application. it can also provide you with additional information about avatars including account creation date, payment information, and gender.

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