UM-Labs R&D joins Innovation Martlesham at BT Adastral Park.

UM Labs R&D joins the Innovation Martlesham Ecosystem at BT Adastral Park (USA Parc in a UK design) and are pleased to have joined with the ability to test and prove the advanced R&D designs against all IP networks. UM-Labs are looking forward to working closely with other members of the eco-system to bring across all IP Network, IP Applications and IP Content/Media Data in Transit Cybersecurity for ‘as a service’ models or ‘embedded’ at the EDGE system ‘on a chip’ under licence.

UM-Labs R&D UNICUS UOS, UNICUS RTC, UNICUS SVSS, UNICUS IOT EDGE provides the unique multi-level intelligent (ML/AI) proactive defence with end to end encryption at the highest levels and now using Quantum Safe key management.

Existing Collaboration Partners include CSP’s, SI’s and OEM’s, with embedded products and services supporting the defence and public sectors. 

Watch this video to learn more about the areas of focus for UM Labs R&D

SNITCH Attack Intelligence   +++  1,677,922 attacks from, location The Netherlands    +++  86,295 attacks from, location Poland    +++  337 attacks from, location France    +++  259 attacks from, location United States    +++  109 attacks from, location United States    +++  New attack source, United States,     +++  New attack source, Germany,     +++  New attack source, United States,  
2-6 Boundary Row,
South Bank,

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